What does she say?
Nothing, that she's
working a lot.
You remember her,
next to my mom?
That's Oeste! We aII thought
she'd been eaten by sharks.
They're working together.
As soon as she saw her she said,
"Everyone, this lady makes the best
fried maIanga in aII ofHavana."
She's having a rough time.
Caridad, teIephone!
Mommy, it's Grandma!
Hurry, she's on the phone!
Mom! What a surprise.
How are you?
Oh, we're fine.
Don't send so much money.
Yeah, it arrived fine.
The kids love their toys.
-Say thanks for me.
-Let me talk to her!
Mom, Ruy says hi and thank you
for the guitarstrings.
-Me too, Mommy!
-CarIitos, hold on.
I wish I could give you a kiss.
How are you? I read the Ietter,
but taIk to me.
l'm fine, don't worry.
Yeah, I talked to her.
l don't know,
l'lI caII you.
Relax. Seduce me.
l'm heating up,
riding your hlps like a train.
Nighttime is when I shlne.
l can feel that tingle
ln my splne.
So relax, darling.
Seduce me.
l'm heating up,
riding your hlps like a train.
My adrenallne's pumping
east and west.