Your whlsper makes my heart
want to jump
right out of my chest.
Go on, baby, grab lt.
Glve me your klsses and honey.
Come on, glve it up.
l came all this way for you.
Let yourself go.
Do your thing.
You're a natural.
So relax.
Seduce me.
l'm heating up...
Ay, what's wrong?
That look and that mouth
are killing me.
Ay, what's wrong?
What's under your dress
ls bllnding me.
Go on, grab lt, baby.
Come on, glve it up.
Go on, grab lt.
l'm breaking my ruIe here.
What ruIe?
I never screw the musicians
I work with.
We're not working together yet.
We'lI see how your audition goes.
l'II have to decide
which is more in my interest.
You in the project,
or you fucking me.
RuIes are made to be broken.
I don't Iike breaking mine.