Fate is carrled by your volce,
your judgment,
for a better life.
l haven't lost faith,
l just don't know what to do.
l don't know what to do
for those who are here,
a sunrise.
Praying, praying...
...for those who take
to the sea atnight.
Sllence outto sea...
Weeping for those
who mlss the sunset.
What are you doing up?
So you wouIdn't
have to sIeep aIone.
There, I told you.
Let's sing a happy song
for the future.
Not too much to ask.
A speck of your love...
This isn't life.
lf you can keep up,
glve a llttle more...
This is your home.
And l'm back for anothersunrise.
Sorry, guys.
It's my fauIt.
l'm realIy sorry.
Should we stop?
l need to leave early.
Okay, more tomorrow.
What happened?
l feeI awfuI.
I can't stop thinking
about that raft.
lt'll be alI right.