and bathing suits
for you and the kids.
lf the police stop us we'lI say we
were spending the day at the beach.
ls that cIear?
5,000 pesos now,
and wait tiIl I Ieave.
-l can tear it up if you want.
-What for?
What wiIl I do
with that old car?
Try WiIson's, he's seIling
a great rum from Santiago.
-Granny, I toId you...
-Don't Granny me!
What's the fucking point
if I can't drink a little rum?
Keep it.
-The plumber's coming tomorrow.
-Another idea
of yours?
Granny, you've been
complaining for years about the tub.
He's going to instaII a shower!
-comrade. l'm here for my class.
-Come in, PabIito.
Today you've got
lesson number 3.
And stop calIing me "comrade"
and "professor." Just Luz Maria.
Your coffee wiIl get coId.
Give me a kiss.
Stop a second.
This is fucking crap.
We've been at it for 3 hours.
Nobody remembers
the arrangement?