We'Il do the hugs now then.
And the letters tomorrow.
Anotherfriend to visitabroad.
Another poem taken out of the book.
to dedicate a song to.
And more pIants to water!
Another dog to feed!
Let's have a toast.
To everyone here.
I'Il realIy miss you aII.
To the good times
we've had together.
And to the good times ahead,
Let's not be sad.
It's a party.
Alex, play something fun.
Give me that.
We've got the bIues tonight,
so I'lI play a bIues song.
Where's my pick?
Let's see what happens.
You might like it.
During the blackout
Grandma's gonna start
getting all
fussy and grouchy
and knocking the government
and Grandpa will bitch about
how it's because of
lmperiallsm by OPEC
and free trade...
Baby, pass me that candle.
l'm gonna mlss
my soap opera again.
Close the Westinghouse,
lt'll defrost again.
What will I do with
my electrlc gultar?
l wanna dance with a lighter.
Light me up with tales oflove.
Sing me the blues before
the lights come back on.
Sing me the blues before
the lights...