Habana Blues

-Bro, you screwed me.
-l'm sorry.

Why did you do that?
lt was a shitty contract.
-Shitty forwho?
-For everyone.

Why didn't you taIk to me?
You know how badIy I want to Ieave.

lf we're good,
we'Il have pIenty of chances.

You're so naive!
You think success
comes from taIent?
BuIlshit! Success is knowing

when to jump at your chance,
you hear me?

In Cuba that's how it is,
you dumb muIatto.

That's not true.
Get outof my car.
Look, I may be a dumb mulatto...
-But l'm not a whore.

Get out.
You and I are through.
Get out.
Get out, dammit!
Nothing in this country works!
They'd have fed us for 6 months.
Six months away from this fucking
stubborn carthat's ruined my life.

Six months of real Iife, dammit.
What was fucking wrong
with that contract?

Are we any betteroffhere?
Tell me, are we?

Sure we are.
We have ourconcert.

-Fuck the concert!
-They were vampires.

They would have sucked us dry.
But we'd be in Spain,

ln Spain!
We'd have managed on our own.
You dumbfuck. They would have
sued us for breach of contract.

Three years as their slaves!
Whose sIaves are we here?
Nobody's. Our own.
Fuck you, Ruy. Spare me
your speeches. I'm sick of them.

Man, we'lI find a way.
l want out of here. I'm 28 and l've
never been off this damn isIand!

-Easy, bro.
-Fuck that!
