Let's get to it.
Come on.
Let's go.
WelI, how do I Iook?
-Let's hear it.
-Like the Queen ofHavana.
Remember, muIatto.
Next week you're mine
and if you let me down
I'lI take off my wig
and cut your baIls off.
-Don't worry.
-Okay, boys.
Good luck. And remember,
after the concert,
party at Chari's!
We're having a bash tonight, baby!
We can sing background vocaIs
if you want. Good luck!
-Come on, kids.
-Bye, girIs. Let's find our seats.
Go on, go with Julia.
-What aboutyou?
-I have to heIp Daddy.
Good Iuck, Daddy.
Show them what you're made of.
Go on.
Good Iuck.
Okay, gentlemen.
It's show time.
Thanks foraII your hard work,
it's been rough.
Which shirt?
Wearthis one.
You couId be my manager now.
You're crazy. After this concert I
neverwant to see another musician.
Stick around.
I'll be here.
It's your big night.
Enjoy it.
Here's your towel and water.
Have you warmed up?
Right now.
Hurry, it's aImost time.