whereverthey are
and wherever they're headed.
l love you, Havana!
Friendshlp is a seed
that grows anywhere.
When you feel cold,
cover yourself with the branches
of my fate.
Wherever you go,
you'll find my love,
my open arms.
Love is everywhere,
ln every corner of the world.
Everyone chases a dream.
So let's change course.
Deep is the dlstance,
deep is
the remoteness.
A wandering soul
has no country.
Flags are a problem,
countries and geography...
Wherever you may find me,
l feel that land is mine.
That land is mine.
Yours and mine.
l'll be your coat...
...lf you need consolation.
l'll be your nest...
...lf you need affection.
l won't let you forget me.
l'm with you everywhere you go.
l'll be your coat.
ln Madrid and New York...
Havana is everywhere
because you take it with you...
You'll never be uprooted.
Every contlnent has lts borders,
but we all llve by the light
of a single sun and moon.
l wlsh I were the morning,
singing that melody
that makes you grow every day.
Paths that separate