- OK?
- Yeah.
OK, lifting your leg.
Just let it be loose, OK?
This is for your lower back,
to stretch.
Bend your knee.
Good. Good.
And I push, OK?
Do not bring your shoulders up.
Let them fall down.
- OK.
- Let them fall down.
Let them go.
Let 'em go.
What are you doing?
They can hear us.
Wh-what are you...
Get--OK, get off me.
Are you crazy?
- Shh!
- Don't!
This is what you need.
This is why you've paid.
Well, it was--
it was a gift certificate.
Oh, shit!
A gift certificate?
You would say that?
I just wanted to be specific.
You know, a lot of details.
I told you I couldn't
pull this off, I can't--
You're not a good liar.
- No.
- This is good.
Well, you're not so hot, OK?
With the, you know,
"This is what you need."
That was a little much.
You know what I was going to say?
I was going to say...
"Trust my hands,
trust my fingers."
I don't want to get you fired.
I agree. 100 percentage.
They can hear.
Mucous. Mucous.
- Mu-cous.
- Yeah.
Muc--Ah. Muc-ous.
- Membranes.
- Mem-bran-ees?
- Membranes.
- Mem-bran-ees sound better, no?