Happy Endings

Did you leave this at my house?
"Does 5/13/85
mean anything to you?

"If so, meet me at
Cahuenga Grounds at 11:00."

It's a little dramatic.
I'm sorry. I'm Nicky.

What is this about?
I don't want you to get
the wrong impression.

I'm not a bad guy.
I'm a documentary filmmaker.
And I have a proposal for you.
Strictly legitimate.

What do you know about this date?
You had a kid on that day.
Somewhere in Phoenix.

Tell me I have that wrong.
Do you want a coffee or anything?
A scone or...

I don't--I don't have any children.
Well, not legally, yeah.
But, I mean, you know,
he's still yours.

See--Hey, see?
I know it's a boy.

I know everything about him.
I know his name,
I know where he lives.

He wrote, when he turned 18,
about a year ago...

for all that information
that they have to give you.

That's how I got your name.
He wants to contact me?
But they sent him back this file,
which he showed me...

and I have in a very safe place.
But he didn't want
to go through with it...

'cause he's such a suck-up
to his fake parents.

I hate to tell you,
he's really kind of a pussy.

Who are you?
I'm a friend.
I'm like a mentor...guy.
