the deader she becomes.
I know what I saw
in that room was real.
It was real, like this flesh.
Do you think this is real?
This flesh?
This blood?
Do you think this thing
is a presence?
In all essential qualities,
it is less than nothing.
In all essential qualities,
we are less than nothing.
Not solid.
Not here.
And not real.
What did you see?
What are you afraid of, Amy?
I'm not afraid of you.
Oh, yes, you are.
You opened the box.
Now I need you
to take the next step.
The box and all its powers
belong to me.
Get off of me!
Let me go!
You're all crazy!
Let go of me.
Accept my gift.
Keep still, Amy.
Now give back to me
what is rightfully mine.
Get away from me!
No more pain.
Only pleasure!