( indistinct conversation )
( sighs )
I should've seen it com i ng.
Al I the si gns were there.
The ones closest to you
are the hardest to judge.
No, but I...
I could've prevented it.
David, it's not your fault.
How long have
we known each other?
Trust me when I tell you this.
As difficult
as it may seem, you're...
you're gonna have to try
and start over.
We're gonna move.
The country.
That's not exactlywhat
I meant by "starting over."
What about Emily?
This is a traumatic time for her.
I think it's important she stays
here and works through this.
No, here, she's
flooded with memories.
I need to expose her
to a new environment,
new things to do...
She'd be losing another person
she depends on.
It's only an hour away.