So, is that yourwife?
She passed away.
I'm sorry.
No matter how many times I say it,
it still sounds so strange.
Must be hard on Emily.
Have you ever been married?
Actually, I just got divorced.
I'm living with my sister
and her husband till I can
figure out my next move.
Best way to get over the past
is to start something new.
That's whywe're here.
( rhythmic thudding in distance )
AMY ( sing-song ):
...baby, wrap it up
in toilet paper,
put it in the incubator.
What shall it be?
Oh! By the way,
this is Penelope.
You're gonna like it here.
It's a lot offun.
Well, it's not always fun,
but there are lots
offun things to do.
( whispers ):
She's beautiful.
What's her name?
Well, you don't talk much,
do you?
You shouldn't be here.
Why not?
You could get hurt.
( doorthudding )
- Oh, my God.
- Okay.
So, um... so,
you have my number.
I'll talk to you soon.
I guess I should go.
- Yeah.
- Okay.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Bye, Emily.