You're very lucky to have
such a beautiful daughter.
( door opens )
You remember
what I told you
about not talking
to strangers?
He's not a stranger.
What do you mean?
He's our neighbor.
As far as I'm concerned,
he's a stranger, honey.
Don't walk away
when I'm talking to you.
I'm telling you something.
I'm sorry, Daddy.
Weren't you finished?
No, I wasn't finished.
What I'm saying is,
it's very important
foryou to listen
when I tell you something.
( clicking )
( thump )
( child laughing )
( kettle whistling )
( splashing, sizzling )
( whistling subsides )
What are you doi ng,
Nothi ng.
What's so funny?
I s Charl ie here?
He just left.
Where'd he go?
Did you open that?
I thought you did.