He says he would
have satisfied her.
Who told you to say that?
Charlie did.
No, who...
who told you that?
Charlie did.
There is no Charlie.
Who said it?
Charlie did!
He did not. Who said it?
( singsongy):
Charlie! Charlie!
Charlie! Charlie!
Charlie! Charlie!
Charlie! Charlie!
( giggling )
( laughing )
Hey, sweetheart.
I'm so happyyou came.
It's so good to see you.
Want to show me the house?
Hey, David.
How are you?
Good to see you.
Good to see you, too.
Glad you could come.
Do you like it here?
I'm having a lot of fun.
You are?
Tell me about
your friend Charlie.
He doesn't like me
to talk about him.
I'm sure he wouldn't mind
ifyou told me.
( music boxplaying
Tell me, what do you
guys do together?
Play games.
What kind of games?
Hide and seek.
That's our favorite.
Sounds like Charlie's
a lot of fun.
( music box continues playing )
So what do you guys talk about?
I don't know.
Bunch of things.
Sometimes he even
talks about you.
And what does he say?
You can tell me.
He's afraid you're
going to get in the way.
In the...
In the way ofwhat?