And you brought these
ugly creatures...
...and messed up my appetite.
- Did you call Ceren?
- Yes. She doesn't answer.
They're having a fashion show,
she must be at a rehearsal.
Mr Yamamoto says it's impossible.
Only with 15% Ropiloma
would he sign.
Don't look like idiots.
Give him what he wants!
We would but...
...but Mr Yamamoto wants 1st class
jellyfish Ropiloma Esulantum...
...which live in the ocean. The ones
in our seas are 2nd class...
What's 1st and 2nd class?
Do the jellyfish attend school?
Stop that.
Either you finish this deal or you'll
end up in the Black Sea...
...swimming till you
find this jellyfish.
- Hello, Bodos Ekrem.
- Hello, Oflu Muammer.
We were talking about you.
Speak of the devil
and he comes.
I've heard that
you're out of jail.
I wanted to pay you a
visit of courtesy...
...and congratulate
for the new car park.
Many thanks.
Today me, tomorrow you.
You're swindling another Jap
with jellyfish. Bravo.
Since we're here we won't leave
till we taste your shish kebab.
Your restaurant is number one
when it comes to red meat.