- Tell you what, Let me do you a favor,
- ... till that bitch feeds him.
Find out what Sean likes to eat,
and I'll send it in,
Him and his mom can eat in the bedroom
while me and you fix this thing,
- What do you say?
- Sean!
The cops want to know
what you want to eat, so get in here.
- The boy's moving from his bedroom,
- Get in here!
Our guys put him at 80%,
Hey, this is Jeff Talley.
Son, I need you to move back
to your bedroom, OK? Right now.
- Mr, Talley?
- Yes?
Are you gonna save us?
Yeah, Sean, I'm gonna save you,
Now I know why you couldn't choose,
It's because God
decided everything already.
Me and the whore are gonna go to hell.
- No, Joe, Just... Look, relax, Just relax,
- But my boy's gonna go to heaven.
I'm sorry, Jeff.
Joe, listen,
Come on, Joe, Pick it up, Pick it up,
- I hear ringing,
- Pick it up,
- It's just ringing,
- Pick it up, Joe,
Jeff? He's saying something,
- We got movement!
- Fuck!
- Where's your shot?
- We lost the shot,
- Where do you want it?
- Side one, opening two,
- I'll put him there,
- O my God, at the end of this day,
I'm heartily thankful
for all the graces I've received.
I'm so sorry for all the sins
I've committed against you.
Please forgive me, O God.
And graciously protect me
at the end of this night.
Blessed Virgin Mary, my heavenly mother,
please take me under your protection.
Joe! Hey, it's me, Jeff...
And St. Joseph.