- It's your spin,
- Yeah, Good idea,
It's not a wise move,
We don't have enough information,
Look, I want to help,
But I am not gonna let you
do something that draws fire on my men,
You want to help me? Turn the lights off,
Get the bird out of here,
Mikey, I'm behind the command post,
Come on up here, will you?
I'm for breaking all the rules -
but one,
Now, Dennis already broke it off with me,
If you get shot, we are all...
I'm trying to save a life, Wil,
Yeah, Chief?
- Who we got on EMTs, Mike?
- There's, like, seven units,
- Names, Mikey, Names,
- OK, Uh...
There's Hoffman, there's Latona,
Ridley, Jackson...
Ridley, Get Ridley up here,
Tell him to strip,
- OK,
- You too,
- Me too what?
- Strip, You're driving,
Sniper one to Control,
Ambulance is 20 yards from the gate,
No activity.
Oh, shit,