The rest is up to you.
So good luck and may
the best person win.
Who the fuck was that?
Fucking hell!
Whas going on?
Is Ok.
What are we going to do?
Is Ok, is Ok.
Well, is that it? Have they gone?
They can't just leave us here.
Everyone please, les keep calm.
Calm my arse!
He's right.
Everybody calm down and les just...
...think this thing out.
You don't think this is real!
Come on, this has got
to be some kind of joke!
Pretty sick joke.
Yeah well, I'm not laughing.
I need to get the fuck
out of here now, man!
I don't think is a joke.
Is a game maybe.
He told us only one will live.
What does that mean?
What, is someone going to kill us?
Oh no no no...
Oh my God.
No, they aren't going to do that.
Are you deaf? Thas what
he just said, one person lives!
If they're not going to
kill us then who is?
What else can he be talking about?
How do you know what he's gonna do?
Because they left me
here with this!
Son of a bitch!
How the fuck did you get that?
Relax. I'm a cop.
Great! One of us has a gun
and is a fucking white cop!
Oh God, don't say that!
Oh yeah. Thas fair, isn't it?
All of us are supposed
to try and survive...
...but the copper's
left with a gun!
This is so fucked!
Is fucked, man!
It kind of puts the odds a little
bit in his favour, doesn't it?
Is kind of bullshit,
thas what it is.
Last time I saw one of those it
was in my little brother's head...
...smashing his face in the ground.
He was sixteen!
Well, that wasn't me, was it?
Well, it don't make a difference.
This is not the time.
Mr. Cop, can you put away your gun?
You're making everybody nervous.
Guys, do we know if we're
alone in here? I mean is it safe?
What do you mean, do you
think there's traps or something?
I think we've got a little bit
more to worry about than that.