The problem is they picked the
wrong guy, alright?
'Cause I'm not playing
this game...
...not for any amount of money!
And I will not either.
I guess we'll have
to see about that.
Maybe someone else will get
that gun and use it to win.
We could make this energy better.
Like what?
Like try to find a way outta here!
Do you really think he's going
to give us a way out?
Well, we won't know
'til we try, will we?
All you mother fuckers can stay
here if you want, yeah?
This nigger's out!
I ain't being no one's bitch!
Hold on! I've got an idea.
We've got a door there.
Yeah, it comes off.
Come on guys, give me a hand!
Alright, come on,
we can do this together!
Sorry. There's no way I'm picking
that thing up and breaking my back!
Well then, sit on your arse
and shut your fucking hole!
Ok, ready guys?
On three...
...one, two, three.
You got it?
I'll back it up.
You guys walk that way.
Alright. On three.
...two, three.
Come on!
Everything guys, come on!
Just keep going!
We're fucked!
Son of a bitch!
Forget it!