Listen, I know I've got good
reason to want five mill right now.
Reason enough to kill?
We all have choices here.
There'll be no killing.
Yeah, and anybody does
anything like that...
...and I will personally see to it
myself that they're prosecuted.
This is crazy.
I'll tell you one thing right now.
I'm going to do everything
in my power...
...to make sure nothing
like this even begins.
You hear me?
And so we'll wait and we'll see
who will do what. Is that it?
Dinner's served.
One piece of chicken and one potato
for each, we'll save the rest.
You know what? I'll eat what I want
when I want, thank you.
Maybe I didn't make
myself clear.
I said one piece of chicken
and one potato for each.
Hey, can you quit with this
attitude so we can eat?
Good idea.
This is fucking cold!
Try the potato,
is even better.
Father, can we pray with you?
Accept our thanks, oh Lord...
...for this food to sustain
our life with...
...and fill our hearts
with gladness.
And help us, in the midst
of our struggles...