What? "Low class bastards"?
What? And they aren't?
You low class bastards.
Try some taffy! Taffy!
I got taffy a young widow likes
to eat on a Ionely night!
Taffy that's as white
as a baby's thigh.
If you have taffy white
as a baby's thigh...
Then got one as big as
my pecker?
I got all sizes, some even
big as a palace crossbeam.
The sun's falling over the mountain,
and this taffy is running out fast
This booze isn't just booze
It's a potion to make
you live forever.
Now, come and drink.
- Try out a few sips.
- Can I use my two nuts as tab?
Depending on the nuts.
If the piece is solid,
drink for free.
Catch him!