These are for you.
I'm sorry to say this,
but you lie easily, don't you?
You're a doctor.
Who says so?
- Roland Dunewolt.
You're here about Charlotte.
I'm the one who found her.
- But that's not all.
I don't have to stand here
and defend myself, do I?
Does it have to do with your daughter?
My daughter disappeared
around the same time as Charlotte.
What's her name?
- Louise.
Did they know each other?
- No.
So what are you doing here?
Some people have arrived.
- Right.
Did you enjoy yourselves?
It wasn't hard work? Bye.
What a beautiful little girl!
Sorry, but I can't see
the connection with Charlotte.
Do you know how many children
run away from home every year? 1200.
1200 children disappear.
And they don't come back.
Some do. But most of them...