Inside Deep Throat

going on
for two-and-a-half years,

and it's only
because it's being hassled.

(female reporter)
Do you think
it's a good movie?

No, l don't think
it's a good movie.

l'm takin' a walk,
Mrs. Brown.

l am doing fine, dear,
thank you.

[birds chirping]
[Brand New Key
by Melanie playing]

I rode my bicycle
past your window last night

I roller-skated
to your door at daylight

It almost seems
like you're avoiding me

These are some pictures
or posters from some
of the films l've done.

Well, I got a brand new pair
of roller-skates

You got a brand new key
Aren't they kind of cute?
I think that we should
get together

A picture of Gerard, my son,
when he was a lot younger,

and my daughter
when she was younger.

You got something for me
(Dennis Hopper)
Long before Deep Throat,
Damiano was a family man,

He and his wife
ran a beauty salon
in Queens, New York,

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah
I enjoyed being a hairdresser

because I always
could relate to women,

After you got to know
the woman,

especially when you
worked on them weekly,

you start to get into history
about ''we went to the movies''
and ''he did this and l did...''
