Particularly our countrymen,
who have never taken
a course in biology,
never read a book.
Do you know anything
about the facts of life?
Not very much,
l'm afraid.
The facts of life
and sexual morality in general
were forbidden topics,
But as all that changed,
issues about sexuality
began to divide society,
(old man)
Artificial contraception
is wrong,
(Norman Mailer)
People were experimenting,
They were looking
for new kinds of lives,
They were looking to break out
of all the old molds.
(Al Goldstein)
And we knew
the American public were tired
of words like ''coitus, ''
They wanted words,
like ''fuck,''
and ''suck,'' and ''eat my cunt.''
l think the more that
filth is thrown at Americans
the less favored it becomes.
They're depicting sex
in a very filthy way.
(John Waters)
Jackie Kennedy
went to see that,
The next week,
the gross doubled.
l--l don't mind
seeing sex in a-- in a movie
just for its own sake
because l think that's one
of the, you know,
more interesting
human emotions.
(Erica Jong)
Sex was in movies,
Sex was on TV,
Sex came out of the closet.
You had to be there,
You had to be there,
I'm thrilled
that I was there,
And thank God
l had a camera with me.
As the sexual revolution
swept through society,
people took sides
in a culture war
that was gathering steam,
Gerry Damiano
joined the fray by swapping
his blow dryer
for a movie camera,
I loved film,
I--I always did,
The only thing you could make
was sex films,
Uh, that was the only thing
you were allowed to make
and you made them
at a low budget.
Doing hardcore films
in those days, the early '70s,
was very much
like summer stock,