lt was like,
''Daddy has a barn,
let's do a show.''
Oh, my!
lt--it was the only choice
we had.
Till 24 years old
you know, uh, uh,
what do you call it, uh,
a track record, you know.
And these things
were so inexpensive.
Okay, what l want now is
some of your ass,
all right?
(Ron Wertheim)
I meant business,
I approached those films as if
l was Luc Godard
or somebody, you know.
And just wiggle it
towards us.
l want to fill up
40 feet of screen
with your ass.
You're always
after my ass.
Keep wigglin'.
That's where l met
half of the people
that l became
acquainted with.
we were all working
for nothing.
well, one of
Gerry's motivations
was to get laid.
Really. And he did.
(Andrea True)
You could make a living
if you were a filmmaker,
making these films,
Quite a number of people
became legitimate
Hollywood directors
out of the porn industry.
l mean, for a while there,
it was kinda like
the entry level job
that you would do.
Uh, you would
work on-- on porn,
l'm... l--l certainly
worked on them.
l'm not gonna say
which ones,
but l--l was around it.
All of sudden, there was
a new word,
It was called ''filmmaker, ''
You became
an independent filmmaker,
we were actually doing it
and we couldn't believe it.
we couldn't believe it,
and thank God there was,
there was such
a thing as sex.
There was sex,
but at the time,
the only way to put
hardcore sex
on the screen legally,
was in sex education films,