As we pulled in,
we saw Linda Lovelace
lying on the lawn with her...
You know what her
pussycat's name was?
Adolf Hitler.
He had a mustache like that.
we came from New York
with the promise of
having locations.
To me, it was nothing,
l thought nothing of it.
l thought it was just
a--a piece of shit film.
Probably one of
the worst porno movies
ever made.
He's nuts.
Lenny Camp was nuts.
He was one of
the guys that were lining up
everything for us.
And, uh, we got nothing,
lf it wasn't for us,
this guy would look like
a piece of shit,
which he really is.
The only thing that saved us,
l said, ''wait a minute,
''we're at The Voyager Motel,
let's go back and shoot
what we were supposed to do
here in the pool, ''
From that moment on,
everybody was
location hunting.
One of the locations
that we shot at
down in Florida,
was at this, uh,
home in Coconut Grove
that was owned by a guy
who called himself a count.
He's not a count.
He's a horseshit count.
He is no count,
he's fucking Sepy Dobronyi.
And God knows
if that's his real name.
when we came,
they had this elaborate,
elaborate, elaborate
wine cellar.
Should we go
to the wine cellar?
Yeah, Oh, yeah,
Oh, yeah
Yeah, Oh, yeah,
Oh, yeah
Yeah, Oh, yeah,
Oh, yeah
[Sepy speaking]