Inside Deep Throat

A mind-blowing
cinematic female orgasm,:

proof of the success
of Linda's quest

for sexual satisfaction,
People didn't
understand that women,

uh, could have as much--
feel as much pleasure
as men did.

Somehow, nobody ever

there was such a thing
as an orgasm for a woman.

That was all male stuff.
It is harder to show
female pleasure,

lt's harder to show
female pleasure,

and to believe
that it's actually happening.

That's why l wanted
to show it.

I went to the film archives

in--in Washington
and got footage of a rocket
and then did
subliminal cutting
with--with the rocket

and--and Linda,
back and forth.

This is a male fantasy
that says,:

''l like to have
my cock sucked.

l really get off on it,
therefore she must, too.''

l think that was
a hell of a shot.

[fireworks exploding]
Look, men want to believe
that the clitoris
is in a woman's throat.

Because if they believe
that the clitoris
is in a woman's throat,

then they can believe
that by thrusting

their penis
into a woman's mouth,

she gets as much pleasure
as they do.

Guess what? lt's not true.
Uh, you know,
l--l guess, uh,

Deep Throat opened up
a--a, uh, a can of worms.

Get down, get down,
get down, get down

When hardcore pornography
is permitted

to corrupt the minds
of children,

then the time has come
for new moral leadership
