Inside Deep Throat

Are you looking forward
to this movie?

Yes, l am.
People from Central Park west
and Fifth Avenue
and Park Avenue

wanted to go down and see it
and go slumming.

(Xaviera Hollander)
There was a private showing,
Before I knew what happened,

there was, like,
group sex happening,
left, right, and center.

Since this is supposed to be
it of its genre,

and since it's had this piece
in the New York Times,

l might as well see it
if it's going.

what are you expecting to see?

well, uh,
you might close me down if l
said what l was going to say.

lt took porn out of the realm
of the forbidden.

why, there's nothing wrong
with a normal man

going to
a pornographic movie.

Normal, all right,
but why were you there?

You would see
movie stars there.

You would see
society people there,

l went to see Deep Throat
because l'm fond
of animal pictures.

[audience laughing]
l thought it was
about giraffes.

90 percent
of the people there
are asthmatics.

what do you mean,

'Cause all l could hear

[audience laughing]
People weren't jerking off
when, you know, l don't know
who's sitting next
to Angela Lansbury.

Oh, l'm just picking her out,
but--but basically,

because she'd just
put a damper on things.

what did you say the name of
that movie was?

Uh, Deep Threat,
You'd better hurry up
before you miss the opening

'cause you don't
wanna miss the opening.

ln the opening, Linda...
[audience laughing]
Deep Throat was so successful

that it turned Linda Lovelace
from an unknown

into a celebrity
and poster-child
for the new porn chic,

l made $1,200
for Deep Throat,

And that's all?


what about...
l'm, you know, now l'm known,
so it's okay.
