Inside Deep Throat

(Barbara Boreman)
It was about 1 1,:00 at night

and we were
watching television,

And we saw this
theater and it said,

you know, Linda Lovelace,
Deep Throat
or whatever it was.

And, uh, l said,
''Oh, disgusting.

Absolutely disgusting.''
A girlfriend of mine
called and said,

''Pick up Playboy Magazine.
lf that's not Linda,
l'll eat the magazine.''

So l stopped, l picked it up,
'cause it wasn't allowed
in my house.

And I opened it up
and I read it

and l said, ''Oh, my God.''
And l knew then, it was--
it was our Linda.

That was difficult for me,
to see the movie.

[crowd cheering]
when we got home,
l threw myself across the bed
and started bawling.

l was crying like, l'd, um,
like l just found out
someone l loved had died.

And, uh,
and it wasn't, um...
lt wasn't just, uh, you know,
a sleazy little film on a--
on a small screen

with a bunch of guys
in trench coats there.

l mean, there were,
society was there.

l didn't know how
Linda was going to be
able to deal with that.

The next time I spoke to her,
she said, ''I'm sorry,

''l didn't want you to know,
'cause l knew you'd be upset
or you'd be angry.''

l said, ''l'm not angry
'cause l don't know
who Linda Lovelace is.

l only know who you are.''
