Inside Deep Throat

was better than what he wrote
in his opinion.

''Throat cut, world mourns, ''
It's a picture
that'll never die,

l mean, we'll all die,
but Deep Throat won't die.

Shutting Deep Throat down
in New York

only spurred
audiences' interest
across the country,

Wherever it opened,
authorities scrambled
to shut it down,

This trash that's being shown
on our movie screens

across the country,
There isn't any question
in my mind that it's obscene.

[woman speaking]
By the mid '70s, Deep Throat
had been tried

in more than 32 cities,,,
[woman speaking]
,,,and was ultimately banned
in 23 states,

Violation of the law.
lt's a simple thing.

[siren blaring]
lt's obscene as hell to me.

Ordered to stop the spread
of Deep Throat,

the FBI stepped in,
They began with the arrest
of Gerry Damiano,

The first question
the prosecutor asked me:

Did l know what--
what affiliation
m-my partners had?

And I said as far as I know,
he's a Roman Catholic,

All of a sudden,
I'm--I'm part of the mob,

No. l was--
l was never a mob.

There were originally
three partners

who made the movie,
His two partners came to him,
Damiano told me,

and told him
they were buying him out.

And l said to him
that didn't sound
like a very good, uh, deal,

uh, when you're
a one-third partner
of a project

that is just, you know,
bringing in
bucket-loads of money

and you're suddenly
cut out of the deal.

Uh, why didn't he object?
And he rolled his eyes
and he wouldn't say anymore.

And the--the only thing
he told me was he didn't want
his legs broken.
