I think the two industries
have got to merge together,
Thank you for making me
the first woman president
to go down in history,
They were shooting porn films
on the lot at Paramount,
This is a little known fact.
So Paramount became sort of
confiscated by
the porn industry.
Do you see yourself
as a pioneer?
If it's left alone,
within a year,
sex will just blend itself
into film,
lt's inevitable.
The only thing
that's uncertain
is--is the time it will take.
But the merger of hardcore
and movies never happened,
Instead, the Supreme Court,
packed with
4 Nixon appointees,
made a radical change
to the obscenity law
in June 1973,
Yesterday, the Supreme Court
authorized wider restrictions
on the exhibition
and sale of obscenity.
(male announcer)
The recent Supreme Court
gave local officials the right
to decide for themselves
what is pornographic
without having to be guided
by a national standard,
[police siren wailing]
Here in New York City today,
vice squad police
began cracking down
on pornography.
[police sirens
continue wailing]
Linda, as you may know,
the Supreme Court recently,
uh, handed down
a, uh,
decision on pornography.
l don't think
anybody should
regulate anything.
l think it should be, uh,
l don't believe in censorship.
l don't believe in
anything that they are doing.
But how far can you extend
individual rights
before you hit, uh,
the state of anarchy?
Uh, l really... l don't know.
Have you ever
thought about that?
No. l don't know what's
the state of ana-anarchy.
well, it's...
That's when everyone does
precisely what he pleases
and, uh,
society has no rules.
At that point,
you've reached anarchy.
Uh, l don't know
about that,
to be honest with you.
l just don't believe
in censorship.
l don't...
That's taking away
your freedom.
That's taking away
your individual right
to make up your own mind
for things.
The last person
that started censorship
was Adolf Hitler.