Inside Deep Throat

but the actor did not,
The theory was,
if you prosecuted the star

then nobody would ever
wanna make a film like this.

And you could drive
the industry out of business.

Harry Reems was paid $250
to appear in Deep Throat,

He had no control,
no say, no input
with what the final version
of this film was gonna be

or whether it was gonna be
distributed interstate,

intrastate, intergalactic.
It's impressive,
for the first time

in the history
of the United States

an artist has ever been
brought to trial
by the government,

All of the trials
have been prosecuted

by a young assistant
US attorney
named Larry Parrish,

a lay Protestant preacher
who has been quoted as saying

he'd rather get smut off
the streets of Memphis
than dope,

Larry Parrish is the...
About one of the finest people

l've ever known
in my entire life.

Fine guy,

And on top of that
he's, uh,
he's movie star quality,

First of all,
he was very tall,

And l hate tall people.
But he was also
very arrogant.

lf you're gonna dance,
you need to pay the piper.

And, uh, l'm the piper.
You've got to be accountable
under the law.

lt was like
when some people know

that they have
the answer to everything

and everybody else
is--is--is--is totally wrong.

lt was purely and simply
a matter of law enforcement.

And l guess if there was
any passion in it for me,

it was that, um,
these are laws
that had not been enforced.

And l knew of no reason
why they should
not be enforced.

To make his case,

Larry Parrish invoked
a highly unusual use

of the conspiracy laws,
The government explained
their conspiracy theory

in the terms of a train.
