Into the Blue

Chilling. Yeah.
So, what do you think we got?
Some Confederate flags and old
Skynyrd tapes down there or what?

No, I don't think we found his ship.
I think we found the Zephyr.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

The Zephyr was a clipper ship
owned by this wealthy...

...French trader, lived in New Orleans.
The war broke out, and he freaked out.

He takes his ship, family,
throws them onboard.

His antiques, valuables, gold, silver,
whatever he's got, onboard.

They try to make a beeline
for France.

Okay, but Mr. Two Guns and a Horn
here screws up his itinerary, right?

The ship wasn't all he took. He also
took the Frenchman's daughter.

- He kidnapped her?
- No. She ran away with him.

Long after the ship was sunk...
...they were spotted living together
in Eleuthera.

Oh, my God, this is a fairy tale.
They knew the French
would catch up...

:35:46 they sunk the ship
to throw them off their trail.

Right. Gave up the gold for a girl.
Stop kissing.
First of all, it's disgusting.

Stop kissing. No self-respecting pirate
would do that, okay?

That's ridiculous.
Ten-to-one, this guy got so deep...

...into that fine,
white, French "poo-needy"...

- "Needy"?
- "Needada," that he took his eyes...

:36:11 the road and crashed,
splash, right into a rock.

- Guys.
- That's what happened.

- This is my new Romeo, right here.
- It's reality.

I really don't care what happened.
The bottom line is,
the Zephyr's down there.

And if we found it...
...we have hit the mother lode
of mother lodes.

What kind of mother lode are we
talking about here? For real. Reality.

Tens of millions.
In 1861.
- Sounds like hundreds of millions.
- More.

That's insane.
Okay, this is the hook, though.
If we want it to be ours,
clean and clear...

:36:48, legal, no ifs, ands or buts...
...we have to come up with something
that says "the Zephyr" on it. Anything.

No, no.
What we need to do...

:36:57 figure out what thousands
of millions divided by four equals.
