Dai-Ryu, it's been a long time.
Please sit down.
What a surprise.
You look younger and taller.
And I see
you're still reading the same old books.
Just a simple man passing the time.
Tell me, what brings you today?
I've heard a rumor about an alliance
between the Tongs and the Yakuza.
I have a little problem with the Yakuza,
but I don't want one with the Tongs.
So I was wondering
if you'd talk to them for me.
I heard the rumors in the street.
I'll help you.
I'll talk with them
and I'll make sure they leave the situation.
Since you surprised me...
I'm going to surprise you. Mei Ling.
Look who has returned.
- Her skills have much improved.
- She's gotten big.
She's been my shield. Now she's yours.
Okay. I'll see you soon.
Chen and I have been in business
for two years.
He told me you have
a sophisticated distribution network.
With his pachinko parlors
and my fish business...
we can round the cash into US dollars...
and ship product everywhere
almost unnoticed.