Into the Sun

- Travis.
- That's okay.

I'm so sorry to bother you,
but check this out. Nice to meet you.

I just got off the phone
with the guys from the lab.

Turns out
that the tape was made at a fish market.

Skigi, something like that.
Maybe that rings a bell.

But all that background noise
apparently just gave the whole thing away.

It would have been nice
if you had called me. I'm here, I'm busy.

I'm in the middle of something.
Sorry about that.
But I figured, being partners...

I'm gonna give you one more chance.
You go over there to the fish market...
do some surveillance, take some pictures...
long-lens, remote stuff.
Don't be seen, and if it's good...

- call me.
- Okay, cool.

And no more ADs.
Nice to meet you.
He's young, you know.
"Do some remote stuff with a long-lens...
"take some pictures at the fish market."
What does he think I am, a rookie?
I hate this shit.
