Jing mo gaa ting

Thank you!
There's something else.
What is it?
Open it and take a look.
It's so cute
Does he have a name yet?
Why don't you give him a name?
Why don't we call him... Piggy?
Piggy. That sounds great.
Piggy it is then.
Giving you a pig just means
he wants to pork you!

Your family also sells pork?
Ignore him, he's talking rubbish.
Dinner's ready!
Why is there a pig here?
It's a present from Jason.
He's called Piggy.
Very cute, very cute indeed!
Dinner's ready.
Come over, let's eat.
So Jason, what's your line of business?
I'm a musician. I'm in the music business.
The music business. That's good.
Are these dishes to your liking?
They're delicious.
I'm really not picky when it
comes to intercourse.

What did you say you weren't picky about?
Jason meant he wasn't picky
about dinner courses!

Wasn't that what I just said?
What did I say just now?
Sorry, my Chinese pronunciation
isn't all that great.

Never mind, never mind. Eat up, eat up.
Brother, can you pass me the chicken?
Can I PASS you the chicken?
Are we playing poker here? PASS!
