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"Just Friends" torrent
за 2005
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– администратор Roger Kumble
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Just Friends
Just Friends is a movie about Chris Brander, an overweight high school student (Ryan Reynolds) who is in love with his best friend, Jamie Palamino (Amy Smart). He confesses his feelings to her and is publically humiliated when she doesn't reciprocate them. Years later, he has a new physique and a career as a successful record producer. He also has an up-and-coming pop act by the name of Samantha James (Anna Faris), who has an obvious crush on him. A freak accident takes Samantha and himself back to Chris' hometown and back to face his best friend and his teenage embarrassment. Chris also has to face his unresolved feelings for Jamie, and refuses to give up on the road to woo her, even though he is rivalled by womanizing Dusty (Chris Klein) for Jamie's affections.
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Just Friends
:00:52 Мога да я гледам, да й се
наслаждавам, да си говорим.
:00:57 Чувствам, че мога просто
да бъда себе си.
:01:00 С Джейми бяхме приятели
от дълго време.
:01:05 Но искам да бъдем
нещо повече.
- Опа. Не мисля така.
:01:12 Надявам се да ти стана гадже.
Искрено твой
:01:15 Крис Брендер.
:01:18 Кълна се
:01:20 в луната и звездите на небето,
:01:26 че ще съм там.
:01:30 Кълна се
:01:32 като сянка, която те
шпионира отстрани,
:01:38 че ще съм там.
:01:42 За добро или лошо...
:01:44 Хубава песен!
:01:47 Махай се от стаята ми!
- Мамо!
:01:49 Никой тук ли не е чувал
за лично пространство?
:01:54 По дяволите.
:01:58 Страхотно.