No, I have my own bus pass.
Well, then how could I refuse?
Let me just call my sister and see if
I can borrow her dress. You sit tight.
Keep an eye on my fiance,
and decrease his morphine drip.
Doin' OK?
Clear bed four.
Sir, you wanna step over...
I got it. I got it.
I got it.
- I was just about to...
- You're welcome.
Thank you.
UTI progressing into infection.
Pneumonia. Diabetic coma.
Una problema con sus rlnones.
I'll have a Venti, triple-shot,
sugar-free, vanilla, nonfat cappuccino.
- Doctor.
- Mr. Clarke?
Will you marry me?
Of course, Mr. Clarke. But first,
we need to find you a robe. Jenny?
Sorry. Sorry. I'm here.
Going full Kabuki tonight, Fran?
The dark circles
were scaring the patients.
And she's got a hot date tonight.
Stop! I'm going out to dinner
with my ex and his mother.
He still hasn't told her
we're divorced.
I won't be responsible for killing
an 80-year-old woman.
I'll trade nights with you.
I've gotta go home and sew
six caterpillar costumes
with Velcro legs
for Katie's dance class.
I don't know
how you guys do it.
Nick is totally pushing me for kids.
I don't have time to shave my legs.
- Stop shaving. He'll leave you alone.
- Really?
Elizabeth, you're so lucky that all
you have to worry about is work.
- Dr. Masterson, are you in there?
- Yeah, I'll be right out.