I am not...
OK, let's start over.
Hi, I'm David Abbott.
And you are...?
I am...
I'm Elizabeth.
My name is Elizabeth.
You didn't know that.
You... you had to read that.
I think I know my own name.
OK. When was the last time
that you remember
actually talking to someone
other than me?
The other day. The other day.
And... And when you're not here,
what do you do
with the rest of your day?
Certainly a lot more
than you do, that's for sure.
Let's not stray from the point, Lizzie.
Don't call me Lizzie.
I'm not in kindergarten.
- My name's Elizabeth.
- You think. Let me ask you,
has anything dramatic
happened to you recently?
Like what?
I don't know, like dying maybe?
How dare you say that to me?
OK, calm down.
Get your hands off of me, you pervert!
Calm down. I'm not...
I'm not here to hurt you.
I'm trying to help you
face the fact that...
- I'm not dead.
- Look around you.
There should be a bright light.
- There's no light.
- Walk into the light, Elizabeth!
There is no light! I am not dead!
I think I would know if I was dead!
What's happening to me?
You're dead!
Stop saying that!
OK. OK, that's enough.
That's enough.
You're just giving me a headache!
Get off of me!
OK. All right, all right.
It's not my fault
you're the way you are.
- I just want you out of my house.
- You get out!
Rest in peace.
I'm not leaving.
Another one, my, my.