You don't have to wait.
I can start the hangover right now.
Yeah. Yeah.
He's excited to be out. I know!
Friday night!
- You can't drink these feelings away.
- Watch me.
So, you OK?
Say goodbye, walk to the door,
let's get some food in your stomach.
Who made you my mother?
Did I...?
How you comin' along
with those hallucinations?
- That was nothing.
- You're not a well man, David.
- It's just a lack of sleep.
- Sleep? You gettin' any?
- Eight hours.
- Twelve.
- Nine, tops.
- Opium addicts are more alert than you.
- Will you knock it off.
- Don't you dare!
Last chance.
What are you gonna do about it?
Dave, buddy!
I'm so...
I'm sorry. God!
- You freak!
- Dave, that is uncool, man!
Good God!
You're gonna thank me
for that one day.
For what? Making me look like a lunatic
in front of all those people?
Why are you still here?
That's a scary question.
I have no idea.
Why are you the only one
that can see me?
Don't ask me.
All I know is when I'm not with you,
it's like I don't... exist.
Oh, my God.
Maybe I am dead.
Oh, come on now.