Are you insane? They were Armani.
OK, let's go.
Are you coming or not?
They're pants,
what do you need 'em for?
425, I think.
- Look familiar?
- Not really.
- Can I help you?
- Hi.
This might sound a little odd, but I was
wondering if you knew a certain woman.
Blond, about five-foot-one...
- Two. And a half.
- Two and a half?
Oh, my God. Who are you?
I don't know you. I...
- Did my wife hire you?
- I'm sorry, what?
I knew she'd find out.
Whatever she's payin' you,
I'll double it.
- Anything you want.
- I'm not looking for money.
- Donald! Who is it?
- That's her. Come back around six.
I'll have a check ready.
What? You don't think I actually
had sex with that old horndog.
- Kinda looks that way, Lizzie.
- It's Elizabeth. And that's disgusting.
Well, look on the bright side.
At 6:00, I'm coming into some money.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Oh, my God.
Maybe I was a slut.
A lonely, home-wrecking slut.
So what if I was a slut? There's nothing
wrong with a healthy sexual appetite.
Not at all.
Look who I'm talking to,
Mr. Tried To Feel Me Up One Time.