- No.
- She was against it.
OK, that was before.
I am completely for it now.
Honestly, most in our
profession feel that way.
Not me! I'm perfectly happy.
Come on, Abby!
You have got to feel me,
I'm your sister!
But there's still some
brain activity, isn't there?
People have woken up
from this kind of coma.
- All the time.
- Not on any record I've found.
Of course they have!
Otherwise, what am I doing here?
I feel car sick.
- What are you doing?
- We're looking for the stick.
What stick?
- You said she had a stick up her...
- Stop it! Come on.
TV is going to become
a very dim memory for you two.
Mrs. Brody,
Elizabeth did sign a release.
Because of the special situation,
we won't take any terminal action
without your explicit approval.
Now, I've prepared this paperwork...
Don't sign that. I'm here!
...if you decide to sign...
- I'll think about it.
Abby, I'll baby-sit more, I swear!
Those jeans you love?
They're yours!
We sometimes find that it's easier
just to ask God's forgiveness
and not prolong the inevitable.
I said I'd think about it.
Thank you, Abby.
You always looked out for me.
You here?
I guess not.