Kebab Connection

- What are you doing here?
- What are you doing here?

- I don't know,
I have something I don't understand
- ha, watch my kick!

teacher, what's this mean?
You need someone to guide you!
Why don't you accompany your girlfriend?

I don't know
if I can be a good father or not!

Teacher, what should I do?
Just measure it step by step then
only you can tell how high a mountain is

and only by that
you can conquer each mountain

- You mean I should go to be a mountaineer?
- No you idiot!

You should prove, You're a man!
Go to join a prenatal training course!
Deep breathing....
- then expire...
- Ah...

- Expire
- ah....

- Thank you. Mr. IboSecmez?
- Here

Could you introduce yourself a bit?

Don't worry, we're just curious
we have single girls come here

But never saw a single dad
ah, this is my brother!
ah! ok, come in the middle
I came here, is
because Bruce Lee suggest me...

My woman left me no long ago,
because of a stock broker
