Keeping Mum

Yes, that's mine.
Good, thank you. Good.
Mrs Jones?
Good morning, officers.
Two dismembered bodies, Rosemary.
Why don't you just tell me who they are?
My husband and his mistress.
They were planning to run away together.

So you thought
you'd just kill them instead.

Well, I couldn't very well
stand idly by, could I?

Rosemary Jones, you've been found guilty
for the crime of manslaughter.

Manslaughter! And at the time
you committed these acts,

you were suffering from such an
abnormality of mind,

that it seriously impaired
your responsibility.

I therefore make an order
for your detention...

in a secure unit
for the criminally insane.

Not to be free,
until such time as the home secretary
decides that your continued detention...
