I think I'm beginning to run out excuses.
- Well, then don't make any.
You know what you can do, you can go down
and kill that bloody dog,
and I'll put in a month of Sundays.
Was that a brassier
over Holly's shoulder this morning?
You're a half day behind the rest of us,
you know that?
We call it a bra nowadays.
Why did she have it over her shoulder?
She was doing the laundry.
Mr Brown?
Mr Brown, it's Mrs Goodfellow,
about Clarence, it's about your dog.
You woke me.
- Yes, well, your dog woke me.
What did you say?
- I said your dog woke me.
Well, he's found his voice.
- Yes, he has, hasn't he?
I was wondering whether we could perhaps
keep him inside just the night-time.
Got your sandwiches and sports bag?
(Petey) Yes. Yes!
Daddy is picking you up this afternoon.
- But Daddy forgets.
No! And tomorrow it's a new housekeeper,
and she's paid not to forget.
I thought you were going to be brave
and take the bus this year. - Next year.