Is that where you met Walter?
- That's where I met Walter.
He was post-grad and I was a first year,
and he was...
He was just different from the others.
Still is. Not many like him around.
Put your finger on here, will you?
- But why is it,
when they eventually do find God,
that they lose their sense of humour?
Lilian, again.
Where are you?
That was Lilian and I'm going for a nip
into town and meet her for lunch.
I'd so like to meet her.
- Yes, of course! Uhm...
I'll sort something out.
- Bye.
Gods ways are mysterious,
that's why we say:
God's mysterious ways.
I mean, look at Job and all
that befell him. He asks the Lord:
"Why are you doing all of this to me?"
And God could have explained,
but instead he just said:
"Trust me, Job."
Now that's mysterious.