Okay, no biting, come on.
Guys? Oh. Settle down.
Get enough pizza?
You definitely had
enough candy,
I can tell that.
I just-- Ow! That got me
right in the nipple.
Hey, guys, I just wanna say:
on the Tigers' first victory!"
[all cheering]
There's more
where that came from.
That's right. You guys,
you all played great.
So did Gian Piero and Massimo
who couldn't be
here because:
[all chanting]
Meat comes first!
Got you a gift.
Soccer Dan lnstructional DVD.
We're gonna keep learning
as we go.
This is where we're really
gonna hone our skills.
This will take us
to the next level. Study it.
Watch it. I only watched it
for 5 minutes, I already--
I already learned this.
This is called "up and over."
[all yelling]
You can learn things like...
Maybe back over here.
Fakes left,
fakes right, he shoots!
What is going on in there?
Guys, I said no playing soccer
in the house.
You did. You said it a lot.
Who did that?
He did.
He did!
What? Nah!
Kill Phil!
[children clamoring]
[all yelling]
Hey! All right!
[speaking ltalian]
Why don't our
two new players
speak any English?
Because they're
You didn't know English
that whole first
year of your life.
You had that
made-up, like,
gaa-gaa baby language.
It was
really irritating.