Meat is now.
Me and the boy will work
all day to get
this order done.
It's a big, big order.
No, no, no. I... Believe me,
I know. Meat comes first.
I've only heard it about
a thousand times from you.
I can't talk to you.
Here, you take this.
I'm really getting
sick and tired of
"the meat comes first."
I'm sorry.
# Happy birthday ##
Quiet please!
Shut up!
I'm on the phone.
You're not
the only one in the park.
You know, at a certain point,
these kids just
wanna play soccer.
They don't care
about the meat.
Uh, do I have to say that?
'Cause that's gonna cause
some kind of
a dramatic situation here.
What are you saying, eh?
What? Hello? Umberto?
All right, guys.
We got 25 minutes
and a lot of beef to cut.
Let's get to it.
[saw whirring]
Watch me, boys, I'm goin' in!
[horn blaring]
[all yelling]
We made it.
Sorry we're late.
Hey, Stew.
Uh. Listen. One of-- One of my
guys didn't bring his socks.
So, we forfeit.
You hear that, Vultures,
we forfeit. Let's go.
[whistle blowing]
Come on! Run!
Hurry, run quickly!
Run! Run to the car! Run!
Don't look back! Run!