I'm not that type
of person at all.
What type of person are you?
I'm someone you can trust,
Ann. I'm a movie producer.
Believe me, I am on the level. No
funny business. Please sit down.
Please. Please.
Ann, I want you to imagine...
a handsome explorer
bound for the Far East.
You're filming
in the Far East?
On board ship,
he meets a mysterious girl.
She's beautiful,
she's fragile, haunted.
And she can't escape the feeling
that forces beyond her control...
are compelling her down a road
from which she cannot draw back.
It's as if her whole life has
been a prelude to this moment...
this fateful meeting
that changes everything.
And sure enough, against
her better judgment...
She falls in love.
But she doesn't trust it.
She's not even sure
if she believes in love.
Lf she loves someone,
it's doomed.
Why is that?
Good things never last,
Mr. Denham.
So you're interested. Good.
That's settled, then.
Now, I don't wanna rush you, but
we are under some time pressure.
Well, I really...
Ann, I'm telling you...
you're perfect. Look at you.
You're the saddest girl
I've ever met.
You're gonna make them weep, Ann.
You're gonna break their hearts.
See, that's where
you're wrong, Mr. Denham.
I make people laugh,
that's what I do.
Good luck with your picture.
Ann? Miss Darrow, please!
I'm offering you money.
Adventure, fame, the thrill of a
lifetime, and a long sea voyage.